For those looking for tailor made Ayurveda treatments in surroundings of ultimate luxury.
This retreat is the perfect combination of an anti-stress programme in an
environment enhancing the total serenity of the body and mind.
Designed to help recover energy levels
necessary to regulate and
optimise physiological balance and vitality.
Most importantly basic elements and
useful tools to maintain health will be
taught via an interactive session.

Learning and experiencing the relationship that
exists between nutrition and health.
How to recover from stress, fortify the immune
system and reduce the likelihood of illness.
The teachings of Ayurveda tells us that each
individual has a unique body constitution,
therefore the Ayurveda treatments are designed
according to your needs.

Treatments such as abhyanga, shirodhara, sarvanga dhara, pinda sveda, vaspa sveda,
nasya, vireka and vasti will be selected according to your body condition and the
length of stay. Food suitable for treatment will be given during the stay.